Fire Protection
Our business serves all areas of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. We have years of experience at making homes and businesses fire safe. Fire is one of the most dangerous threats to any property. When left to burn, it will destroy structural strength, block off exits, and trap people inside a building. Make sure that you are alerted immediately if a fire breaks out, with our fire and smoke alarms.
We also supply, fit and install Fire Extinguishers For business and domestic premises. It is a legal requirement that fire extinguishers are available. Fire extinguishers need to be serviced every twelve months or after each use. If an extinguisher is found to be leaking, it should be serviced immediately. They must be replaced at the end of their lives which is ten years for CO2 extinguishers and 15 years for all others. Jc security and fire can make sure that your business or home is fire safe and complying with Uk legislation for commercial premises.
